viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

elcome to our web page Magazzine. Here you can find lot of sections; among them a small tourist center. Moreover we will allow you to know different places around the world. And you can let your imagination fly freely with fantastic tales and stories that our magazine shares with you.
We hope you can enjoy it as much as we did it creating it.
We are looking forward to receving your comments, opinions and ideas.

Bienvenidos a nuestra página web de la revista Magazzine, aquí podrás encontrar varias secciones, entre ellas un pequeño centro turístico donde te acompañaremos a conocer diversos sitios del mundo, o bien podrás dejar volar tu imaginación con fantásticos cuentos e historias que nuestra revista les brinda.
Esperamos que puedan disfrutarla al igual que nosotros haciéndola.
Aguardamos a sus comentarios, opiniones e ideas.

11 comentarios:

  1. A nosotros nos gusta su blog, tiene un buen diseño y la imágen de fondo está re piola.

    We like your blog, it has a good design and the wallpaper is very piola

    Luzardo, Paz, Santarsiero y Colautti

  2. Gracias por su comentario (:
    Thanks for your coment (:
    Magazzine Web.

  3. De nada guachos (:

    Your welcome guachos (:


  4. Hola somos Federico Rojas, Facundo Menendez, Alan Loza y Ivan Rocha.Nos gusta mucho el diseño del blog, los sponsor estan muy buenos y Los felicitamos.

    Hi, we are Federico Rojas, Facundo Menendez, Alan Loza and Ivan Rocha. We like the desing blog, the sponsors are the best and we congratulates for this very good job.

  5. Gracias por su comentario (:
    Thanks for your coment (:
    Magazzine Web.

  6. Your blog is so complete, is very nice. We hope that you like our blog. Kisses!

    Su blog es muy completo, es muy lindo. Esperamos que les guste nuestro blog. Besos!

  7. Es:Es un muy buen blog este, me encanto la imagen de fondo y el diseño, por la parte de turismo a mi me gustaria ir con ustedes a bariloche =).

    En:It is a very good blog, I like the background image and design, on the tourist part, I would like to go with us to bariloche =)

  8. hola,el blog esta bueno... podria tener varias publicidades diferentes pero esta bueno nos vemos

  9. Trabajaron muy bien, estuvieron muy entusiasmados durante el proceso de elaboración, lástima que nooooooo tradujeron varias publicidades como se solicito. Igual muy buen trabajo. Besos. Prof. Marendazzo

  10. Es un lindo blog y tiene un buen fondo ! Los felicito
    It's a nice blog and has a good background ! Congratulations

    Stillitano, Ochoa, Del Sordo, González.

  11. Congratulations! I know you’ve worked hard to achieve this target! There have been some problems and misunderstandings but finally you’ve got it! And you’ve got it right! I liked your ideas and your topics. The stories have been well thought out. I’ve really enjoyed reading them and helping you to make them be better. I can see that you’ve improved significantly on the first drafts. You’ve put a lot of effort on developing the stories, and you’ve made a good work summarizing and using materials from other sources to make them sound your voice. You’ve selected a path of hard work and I encourage you to strive for the highest standards. I believe the group has put in a lot of effort in this writing step and it has resulted in an effort that has been worth! Your blog is nicely designed and the information clearly explained. Without any doubt, you’ve overcome the challenges that this writing project has faced you to. Your technological expertise has made this project even more interesting. Your open minds have allowed me to be your writing tutor and to accomplish your work successfully. Just a reminder to you: don’t forget to make proof-reading before handing in your assignments and to consider your work finished. That will make you avoid spelling mistakes and words copied in a wrong way. All of you are promising students for your following level of English. You’re a good example of how commitment and hard work pay off. But remember this is just a very good start… you need to continue improving every day! Excellent work, my babies! May your future efforts be equally successful and rewarding!Mrs. Liliana Lo Preiato
